LPC1114 Temperature Sensor

The idea is to use the Cortex-M0 based LPC1114 as a low power micro in a remote temperature sensor. Use a solar light as the case and power source and it should run forever.

Use the Olimex LPC-H11U14 as a breakout board.

Initial code is at http://juju.net.nz/src/lpc1114.git/

Datasheet User manual



  • LPC1100L

  • 38 x 38 mm

  • 32 k flash, 8 k RAM, UART, 2x SSP, I2C, ADC

  • TMP102 0.5 deg C?

microbuilder reference design:

  • NCP1402 converter. 0.8 V startup, 200 mA, various outputs.
  • 24AA32AFT. Microchip I2C 4 k x 8 EEPROM

PIO0_7 (23) is a 20 mA high current driver. The I2C lines are high current sinks. A white LED has a ~3.5 V drop. Red is ~1.6 V and yellow/green ~2.0 V at 10 mA. 10 mA for a (5 V - 1.8 V) drop = 320 Ohms.

Regulator is a LDO (1.2 V) 800 mA LM1117. Steering diodes give another 0.6 V so it shouldn’t work :)

IOCON set the routing for different signals like the SPI clock.

Two SPI ports:

  • SPI0: SCK0/PIO0_6 (22), MISO0/PIO0_8 (27), MOSI0/PIO0_9 (28), SSEL0/PIO0_2 (10)
  • SPI1: SCK1/PIO2_1 (13), MISO1/PIO2_2 (26), MOSI1/PIO2_3 (38), SSEL1/PIO2_0 (2)


The dev board has a LM1117IMPX-ADJ and 240R + 390R divider. V = IR so I = 5.2 mA!

1.8 to 3.6 V supply. Must boost.

1 mA at 6 MHz. 5 mA at 50 MHz.



0.98 CoreMark/MHz with Code Red GCC 4.3.3.


The built in bootloader seems fine. ASCII/uuencode based with auto baud. Starts the user program if ‘valid’ based on the vectors checksum.


  • #RESET/PIO0_0 / pin 3
  • PIO0_1 / pin 4 low on reset to enter the loader
  • RXD/PIO1_6 / pin 46
  • TXD/PIO1_7 / pin 47


  • ? ->
  • <- Synchronized<CR><LF>
  • Synchronized<CR><LF> ->
  • <- OK<CR><LF>

Use my FTD2232 based JTAG?


Use one of the Nokia DKU-5 clones from Trademe.


RTS ??? ??? ??? ???

DTR and RTS can map to reset and BSL. Matches the Sparkfun one.

Looking from the bottom of the IDC, I have:

| | | |

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

  • 1 = RTS
  • 2 = TXD
  • 3 = RXD
  • 4 = –
  • 6 = +5V
  • 7 = DTR
  • 8 = GND
  • 5, 9, 10 = NC

Memory map


  • 0 - 0x7FFF: Flash in 4 k sectors
  • 0x10000000 + 8 k: RAM
  • RAM + 0x17C to 0x025B: ISP work area
  • Upper 32 bytes of RAM: Flash work area
  • Top of RAM - 32 bytes: top of stack


I have a MOD-NRF24LR. NRF24L01. SPI based.

And a MOD-LCD3310. 84x48. SPI based. Needs an extra data/command line.

Michael Hope
Software Engineer
